Sky Signal Issues Guide

No signal from TV

Loss of signals is a common issue with household owners due to the dish antenna’s weather and outside placement. The signal issues can be frustrating for someone looking to enjoy their favorite entertainment channel after a hard day’s work.

To rectify this situation, we need to check a few boxes. First of all, you can self-diagnose your set box and dish box by visiting Sky’s website and reading the self-diagnostic tips. However, if you fail to resolve the situation, you can try the following remedies.

No signals – Simply reset

Since the satellite connection is based on hardware and software components, they may need regular maintenance. One such maintenance trick is the periodic rebooting of the box to remove any bloatware or unwanted settings.

You can simply push the reset button on the back of the box and wait for the system to reset. However, before doing this, you must disconnect the power to the box for a while minute. Also, make sure all the box connections are firmly secured and there are no loose ends.

Hardware issues – Avoid the rugs

The hardware or the Skybox is a mechanical piece with its delimitations. It can get hot if not correctly cared for. Make sure that you don’t put the Skybox on any rugs or heat-absorbing materials. You can use a clean, smooth, and firm surface like a wooden panel or concrete wall.

Rain – Waiting is the only option

Precipitation, including rain and snow, will definitely hinder the satellite dish’s connection to the satellite. The signal may become muffled up, resulting in inadequate coverage of channels. The solution is to wait for the weather to clear up and then clear your dish off any excess water or snow.

You may use a solution that stops the rainwater from settling on the dish antenna for too long. In snow, you can wait for the snow to melt or just push it away once the weather clears up.

Extreme weather – Periodic check is the key

Your dish antennae are subjected to quite some extreme weather, and these weather elements can result in rusting or damaging the external connections. You can periodically check these external cables, connections, and the dish itself for any signs of wear and tear and act accordingly.

Misalignments – Minor adjustments may do the trick

Dish misalignments are the most common occurrences of poor reception and no signals to the digital receiver. These misalignments can occur to inclement weather, such as fast-paced winds. They may also get out of shape due to human activities.

Once you have figured out that the alignment isn’t correct, you can rectify this by changing the dish position to its previous position. If the dish is rusty or corroded, you may have to replace the dish antenna.

Aerials Direct – Your one-stop solution to all things satellite entertainment

If you still cannot diagnose and remedy the signals issue, we suggest that you contact Aerials Direct, which has 30 years of vast experience in diagnosing and fixing such problems. The company’s team of highly experienced technicians can help you get back to your entertainment in no time.
